今天體重52.2kg. 昨天做了麻醉的無痛胃鏡,目前胃和食道沒有潰瘍,只是發炎的比較厲害,李醫師說應該是藥物造成的還好不是克隆氏症,希望這幾天配合胃藥的服用可以慢慢改善疼痛,昨天晚上類固醇改成口服,一天要吃15顆,分三次吃,因為剛從注射改成口服,依照原來的注射劑量就必須吃那麼多!昨天李醫師讓我看MRI的影像,我們再次討論了小腸鏡氣球擴張術及外科手術的部分,目前狹窄的部位有三處,五公分的那一個比較緊急得先處理,因為隨時都有可能再塞住,所以我目前只能吃流質和軟質的食物,食物完全不能有渣,就怕過不去,醫生說如果做氣球擴張術,可能得每星期做,一次進去撐一點撐一點,效果上也不確定,還必須持續做,每次做都要全身麻醉,從口腔進去,如果有效可能腸子再撐一陣子,還是沒有辦法解決狹窄,我隨即問了李醫師如果做切除手術呢?目前三段的狹窄因為是跳躍式的,加起來就有50cm,如果做小腸的切除手術一定也得切超過這個長度,主要是手術後傷口的癒合和感染也是問題,另外手術後克隆氏症也是會再復發,他說要會診外科來討論看看,目前若是不處理,狹窄就好像定時炸彈一樣,隨時都有可能塞住,加上我如果沒有辦法進食也會是一大問題,李醫師希望接下來的這個星期我可以努力吃補充營養,看看能不能把點滴停掉?不然靜脈都被打完了!之後如果要做手術也得先回家把體力和體重養回來,才能夠承擔手術的部分!
The weight is 52.2kg today, I did a stomach endoscopy with anaesthesia yesterday. My stomach and esophagus are having inflammation now which cost by the steroid not the Crohn's. Hopefully after taking some pills could improve the stomach pain. The doctor changed the steroid to oral instead of injection from last night. So I have to take 15 pills per day. Yesterday, I discussed with Dr. Lee about the MRI report again. We talked about the endoscopy balloon extension surgery and the operation. If we do the extension surgery, it has to do once a week with anaesthesia and will have to continually for a few months… and not sure about the effect. And it might just stay for awhile. So the narrowing problem is still there. I can only eat liquid, baby food and soft food without any fiber now. otherwise the intestine might obstruct again. Then I ask about the operation of cutting out the intestine. He said right now there are 3 places have narrowing problem and it's in different section. so the total length is 50cm already. But for the operation will have to cut more than that. The main concern is the infection and wound recovery after the operation. The crohn's might be recrudescence again after the operation as well. So Dr. Lee will consult with the surgical dept. next week for the operation. I will need to try to eat more and take more nutrition in the coming week. Then they can stop the IV injection because there are not much blood vessel can be used. If I need to do the operation, I will have to go home first and try to gain weightfor the surgical part.