前天開始大肌肉無力,走路有點影響,蹲下去就站不起來,關節併發症開始發作了,這是克隆氏症的併發症之一,早上喝了醫院的全流飲食結果胃痛到不行,打了止痛針,就開始心悸、喘、住院醫生說:理論上應該不會,可是我的情況比較特殊,要去查查看!唉… 每天都有新的狀況… 好辛苦!
My joint is getting weak especially my knees. Once I bow down my knees I can't get up. It's one of the complication of Crohn's disease. My stomach was cramping very badly this morning after taking the breakfast from the hospital. so they gave me pain-killer injection. But I start having palpitation, breathing heavily… 🙁 Everyday has new condition… so hard!