今天下午回診後,醫生本來希望我可以住院,因為發作的時候如果住院打類固醇會比較快速把發炎壓下來,可是最近工作的行程實在沒辦法,他問我要忙到什麼時候?我說要到聖誕節,他說:那我為你祈禱能平安度過這段時間,因為季節轉換也會發病… 他不是基督徒但卻是一位非常專業、有愛心的醫師,感謝邱醫師這一年來的照顧,下次回診要轉回去給原來的李醫師,他已經回國了,我貪心的說可以兩個醫生一起看嗎?邱醫師笑笑說:你隨時想回來給我看都可以啊!六顆類固醇要吃兩個禮拜,希望可以儘快把發炎壓下來,昨天晚上開始肚子沒有痛,真的很幸福耶!
After the doctor's appointment this afternoon. The doctor was hoping that I can confine to the hospital. Because it's more efficiency to take the IV with steroid then oral. But according to my working schedule it's really hard. Then he ask: when will you have time? I said: have to wait until after Christmas day. He said he will pray for me to be fine during this time. He is not a Christian but he is good doctor with professional skills and compassion. I really appreciated him for the passed year. Dr. Lee is back from the states so I will transfer back to him next time. I asked him can I have both doctors take care of me? He smiled and said: you can come back anytime if you need. 🙂 I will continually take 6 steroid for 2 weeks and hopefully those symptoms will be gone. It feels great when my intestine is not hurting from last night. 🙂