I will need to take the x-ray check-up tomorrow. And see how the inflammation and obstruction of my intestine. There are still some blood from the liquid of my stomach. Not sure if it's the ulcers from the stomach or intestine. If the inflammation could be under controlled in 2 weeks. Then the risk of having emergency surgery will be less… Right now, there are 2 places have narrowing problem. so the doctor is consider of having ballon extending surgery after that… Even though the surgery is needed for the crohn's patients in the future. But the internal medicine treatment is still the first priority. Once the crohn's patients has surgery, it still can't be cured. and it will recrudescence in different places of my digestive tract. So now I need to be still and wait… God said:Then have no care for tomorrow, tomorrow will take care of itself. Take the trouble of the day as it comes.